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Improve Compliance with Intelligent Membership Management

For pharmaceutical companies, effective management of master data is critical to mitigating risk and maximizing revenue. Unfortunately, the activities required to ensure accurate and complete customer profiles and parent-child relationships are typically manual and very time consuming. Due to limited resources, these activities are often overlooked, resulting in duplicate or incorrect customer data, incorrect pricing, inefficient chargeback processing, and government pricing violations.

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In this eBook, you will learn:

  • How the massive quantity and inconsistent quality of membership information provided to pharmaceutical companies poses a significant operational challenge
  • The potential problems that can arise from inefficient management of membership data, and their impact on pricing, revenue, compliance, and customer satisfaction
  • How Model N Advanced Membership Management provides an intelligent, automated solution that can help increase operational efficiency, ensure compliance, improve business insights, and protect the bottom line
  • How Model N Advanced Membership Management provides end-to-end management of the 340B Drug Pricing Program to reduce the risk of government fines and penalties
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Learn how you can boost your margins by optimizing your product pricing across regions and reference ecosystems from launch through retirement. VIEW whitepaper
Model N Business Services
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Pricing from Hemisphere to Hemisphere
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